contoh kalimat hukum internasional umum
- Intergovernmental organizations are an important aspect of public international law.
Organisasi antarpemerintah adalah aspek penting dari hukum internasional umum. - Other landmark decisions during this period included Costa v ENEL, which established the supremacy of European law over national law and the "Dairy Products" decision, which declared that general international law principles of reciprocity and retaliation were prohibited within the European Community.
Keputusan penting lain dalam periode ini termasuk Costa versus ENEL, yang menetapkan supremasi hukum Eropa di atas hukum nasional dan putusan "Produk Susu", yang menyatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip timbal balik dan pembalasan dalam hukum internasional umum tidak berlaku dalam Masyarakat Eropa. - If an investor from one country (the "home state") invests in another country (the "host state"), both of which have agreed to ISDS, and the host state violates the rights granted to the investor under the treaty, then that investor may bring the matter before an arbitral tribunal.
Bila sebuah investor dari sebuah negara ("Negara Asal") menanamkan modal di negara lain ("Negara Tujuan"), keduanya menyepakati ISDS, dan Negara Tujuan melanggar hak yang diberikan kepada investor sesuai hukum internasional umum, investor tersebut boleh mempersoalkan hal tersebut ke pengadilan arbitrase.